The Friary Nursery School
2, Friars Lane,
01482 870900
About Us

The Friary Nursery School was established in 1988 and is a family business. It is ideally located, in the shadow of the Beverley Minster, inbetween the town and the new Flemingate development.
Our aim is to provide a happy and secure environment in which children will be allowed to develop intellectually, physically and socially. The Friary Nursery School is a private Nursery School educating children aged 2 to 5 years.
The aim of our curriculum is to equip children with the skills and knowledge they need to explore and understand the world around them. To develop social skills and independence in carrying out basic life skills.
We believe that children grow and develop when they have access to a well thought out learning environment and engaged adults.
The teaching and learning of new skills and knowledge is delivered through both adult and child led opportunities both indoors and outdoors.
Play is natural to the children and is the way in which they learn. Through play the children learn new skills, develop new interests, encounter new experiences and build on previous knowledge. In the nursery we aim to provide a secure, caring, happy and structured environment where the children learn through meaningful play using materials and equipment carefully supervised by the staff.
Each of the activities offered to the children provide countless learning experiences for the children, for example, by seeing their names on paintings and looking at books in the book corner helps to familiarise the children with the printed word and encourage an interest in books.
In the nursery the children learn how to make new friends and learn to respect one another. They learn to take turns, share and become more independent. They also learn to follow rules and carry out instructions.
We focus on the importance of knowledge and skills that will support children in every way possible so that they can make the most of opportunities and fulfil their potential along with promoting their independence.
Phonics, Letters and Sounds -We will be doing different activities with our 2022 school leavers to help them start preparing for school. Such as starting an ‘Eddy’ book, looking at letters and sounds and singing the jolly phonics programme. This helps the children understand how sounds form words.
There are seven areas of learning and development within the Early Years curriculum.
Prime areas of learning
• Personal, social and emotional development
• Communication and language development
• Physical development
Specific areas of learning
• Literacy
• Mathematics
• Understanding the world
• Expressive Arts and design
In planning for children, we consider the different ways in which children learn. The three characteristics of effective learning are:
• Playing and exploring
• Active Learning
• Creating and thinking critically
We uphold the principles of this framework by recognising each child as a unique child, helping them to develop positive relationships within an environment that supports and extends children's development and learning.
"It is clear to see the hard work each of you do, in teaching and looking after the children".
"You can see how much fun and joy there is in the relationships between you and the children".
"I would like to thank you all very much for the excellent standards of care and treatment you have shown Timothy during his time at the Friary. He loves every moment of it, as i'm sure all your children do".
"I brought him to you quite a shy little boy and in the 2 years he has been with you he can now read very well, has good writing skills and most of all, no more shy William. He is a happy, chatty, content little man".